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SEO Techniques : Step By Step Page Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of trying to get your web page or blog rank at top of search engine results for keywords that are important to you.
Starting at the top of your index/home page something like this:
(After your logo or header graphic)

1) A heading tag that includes a keyword(s) or keyword phrases. A heading tag is bigger and bolder text than normal body text, so a search engine places more importance on it because you emphasize it.
2) Heading sizes range from h1 - h6 with h1 being the largest text. If you learn to use just a little Cascading Style Sheet code you can control the size of your headings. You could set an h1 sized heading to be only slightly larger than your normal text if you choose, and the search engine will still see it as an important heading.
3) Next would be an introduction that describes your main theme. This would include several of your top keywords and keyword phrases. Repeat your top 1 or 2 keywords several times, include other keyword search terms too, but make it read in sentences that makes sense to your visitors.
4) A second paragraph could be added that got more specific using other words related to online education.
5) Next you could put smaller heading.
6) Then you'd list the links to your pages, and ideally have a brief decision of each link using keywords and keyword phrases in the text. You also want 23 to have several pages of quality content to link to. Repeat that procedure for all your links that relate to your theme.
7) Next you might include a closing, keyword laden paragraph. More is not necessarily better when it comes to keywords, at least after a certain point. Writing "online education" fifty times across your page would probably result in you being caught for trying to cheat. Ideally, somewhere from 3% - 20% of your page text would be keywords. The percentage changes often and is different at each search engine. The 3-20 rule is a general guideline, and you can go higher if it makes sense and isn't redundant.
8) Finally, you can list your secondary content of book reviews, humor, and links. Skip the descriptions if they aren't necessary, or they may water down your theme too much. If you must include descriptions for these non-theme related links, keep them short and sweet. You also might include all the other site sections as simply a link to another index that lists them all. You could call it Entertainment, Miscellaneous, or whatever. These can be sub-indexes that can be optimized toward their own theme, which is the ideal way to go.

Now you've set the all important top of your page up with a strong theme.
So far so good, but this isn't the only way you can create a strong theme so don't be compelled into following this exact formula. This was just an example to show you one way to set up a strong site theme. Use your imagination, you many come up with an even better way.
The rank of a web page in the search engine result pages is broadly based on three factors :
1. The actual contents of the web page.
2. Relationship with other pages on the web.
3. Reputation of the domain the web page is from.
These and other information will be posted in other posts.


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